Monday, July 7, 2014

Lunch Break = Exploring Between Classes

2 Juillet

First full day of classes!! I got up at 7 to Skype the fambam before they went to bed and before I went to get breakfast.*coughgooddaughterpointscough* We had croissants and tea/coffee/ hot cocoa for breakfast which is provided every weekday morning. Score! Dad's prediction of a France 15 might be correct.

I felt so official catching the bus to campus and being all spiffy. This mornings class was much easier than the one at 1:30 pm. The oh so appropriately named Project Management class is pretty much learning how to manage people to get something productive done without hurting anyone's feelings. Sounds like project management non? We made up a fake project, designated positions (You're lookin' at the professional project manager for a fake music festival!), and had a mock meeting in front of the class. Boom easy. Also, the professor is a homie and showed us where the instant espresso vending machine was. Yeah. Instant. Espresso. Vending Machine. For 50 euro cents we all got ourselves a little cup of cafe au lait avec sucre. We had just found our Starbucks replacement.

Between classes, a couple of us went exploring the parts of Lille near campus. We saw tons of cute shops, some a little questionable, but otherwise picture-worthy.

One of the main streets we were walking down

We found a Patisserie! We drooled for a couple minutes before deciding what to get.

Some more treats from the Patesserie

They have jalebis in France!!! I didn't try one, but there is still time.

I took a while to decide what I wanted. Can you blame me?

The meeeeeat! The owner was a hoot and tolerated me attempting to translate for Josh.

I thoroughly enjoyed my tarte (glazed fig included) at a local park where some guys were playing soccer.

After classes were done I went shopping by myself to get groceries and to look around. I loved reading all of the labels aloud while trying to remember what they meant, or tried to figure out what they were. I got a couple of confused looks from other shoppers, but nothing too out of the ordinary. I definitely got into a mesmerized groove of it until I started saying things like "taquitos" and "chow mein". Turns out, there are "International Aisles" in France. This is precisely where all the Hawai'ians stocked up on rice. However, I stocked up on some classic Twinings Jasmine tea. Typical Rianna nighttime tea.


  1. Wow, just looking put on 5 lbs, and you think you're only going to gain 15! Hah, think again.

  2. Oh my - looks soooo delicious; get some protein in there somewhere too.

  3. Yum!!! Looks like heaven there!
